Saturday, 16 June 2012

The day of the house guest!

Well, as I was sound a sleep before a long day at the hospital. I got a mysterious phone call. Blank number. I'm quite curious and I thought, I might as well see who it is that is trying to ring me at 5am. So I answered. It was my best friend Ashley. She had all of a suddenly decided, someone she met literally two minutes ago, on a train (She wasn't drunk. But I'm not sure if that's worse or not because at least with drunk I can sort her out!) was the love of her life! The man she was 'Meant to be with'.

Yes, my best friend, a qualified lawyer, got a first in her degree, the most logical person I know. Has fallen in love with some guy with in two minutes of knowing him. 

Well. I thought I'd woke up in some dodgy dream, but no. It was happening. The only words I manged I hear you ask? "Oh Ashley. Why?"  Call me un-supportive but, I say me and James have been together nearly 5 years, the first year of that was us flickering in between the 'in a relationship' status and the 'single' one on Facebook. So love at first sight, is not something I'm under the illusion of, plus I've treated people for less at the hospital!

So, I was asked to meet her at the train station. I agreed, thinking that it would be later in the day. Oh no! She meant now! But, stupidly, I got my hoodie on, grabbed my car keys, and drove my arse to the train station. It was quite possibly out of curiosity I went. But any how. When I showed up, she looked like she'd won the x-factor, the lottery and got the worlds most perfect job all at once. Yes, this was a sure sign, that made incredible worry fill over me, this was the 'look of love' for Ashley. One which I hadn't seen in over a year since her 'messy' brake-up.

I got out the car and drudged over to do the awkward hello, and meet the, I must admit, incredibly gorgeous guy standing next to her. His name was Paul. He looked like a mix between Taylor Lautner (Well built eg fit, well from what could see, tanned. Dark hair) and Gavin Henson. Well when he was a bit younger. So not a bad match for Ashley.
They were seated opposite each other on the train back from Manchester. Yes, they both agreed it was love at first sight. *Sigh* and *Yawn*
He's a year older than us and was coming for a job interview at a school in the City. He was a high school teacher. God knows why! I'd rather suffer ten scary patients than a class of teenagers any day!

Ashley, of course insisted he stay with us. My better judgement should've refused. But Ashley said just lock my door and I have James to protect me. Who may I add was bemused by the entire situation.

Skip forward to the Friday night. He was pretty confident he'd got the job, but had a couple more interviews in the following week. By this point. He'd wooed his way in to my boyfriends good books and I suppose he wasn't a creepy serial killer as far as I could tell but go psychologist on him. He was nice. But I'm not convinced about this 'love at first sight' stuff. Call me a cynic but surely it's jsut infatuation. Right?
We went out that night and he even had a go at some guy (Now nicknamed Mr. Gropey) who at different points, in front of us, tried it on, quite strongly with me and Ashley. So, he may not be the man who's meant to be, in my eyes, but at least he tick's the night in shining Armour box - Which is always a bonus.

So my new house guest, has been offered to stay until his interviews are finished, but I have a feeling that's the last I've seen on him, especially if Ashley has her way. Which she usually does!

So I've realised something from this experience-
-Don't answer to unknown numbers, you may just end up, falling asleep at work and in a worst case scenario, with a new house guest!

ps I shall let you know how it goes!

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