Sorry it's been a while. PHD and that! (It's now officially giving me chills I can say that!)
Things have been awkward because James came back for a week. Well all in all with that, it's still complicated, but we want to be together. It was more awkward when Callum (from the last post) - who is now like my new Ash - kept texting me.
Basically here's a little run down:
Me and Callum went for dinner and we ok, shamefully, ended up in bed together - I know, James, but, we were so drunk - I know that's no excuse, but it happened. The morning after wasn't right, it was like waking up after sleeping with my best friend - and not in a good way like with James. We both agreed on this and decided that us being friends was for the best.
Then James came back for the week. We went for a drink and after ONE glass of red, what happened? Oh yes, I told him. He wasn't mad - he wasn't even upset - he explained why (and no he hadn't cheated on me) because basically he agrees we were basically broken up and he said after being with him for so long it must've been a relief - but to NEVER do it again. This I completely agree to and once more I love this guy!
My mum came back for a visit and she was back to her shit ways and basically said she was glad I 'wasn't with him' referring to James - then I had to explain, to her dismay, I was and we were working through life.
I've also, rather late in to the fad, jumped on to the Fifty Shades of Gray wagon and to be honest, it's terribly written in my opinion and I do think there was saucier things to read in a dictionary!
Well that's pretty darn basic, but besides that I've been attempting a PHD on things for too hard to explain at this moment - as sometimes I doubt even I know what I'm talking about when writing it!
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Sunday, 30 September 2012
New Green Shoes?
Well I've got an update on my left-in-car shoes situation.
Well, you all may remember in my last post I thoroughly humiliated myself, projectile vomited in a club, stayed in a strangers flat, kissed him, and have now debated for days whether or not to get my shoes back. I did actually contemplate getting new ones - ergo the title, and I actually went to the shop I got them from, but they don't sell them anymore. So I decided to bite the bullet and face the embarrassing truth I simply had to face this guy again.
So, I remembered I didn't have his number, but he added me on Facebook - so I sought him out!
His name is Callum. Once I found him I contemplated leaving a message on his wall - then decided against further embarrassment and sent him a message - well after I had a glass of wine to give some courage in which to do this at five in the afternoon!
I sent him a short message saying:
"Hi, I'm Isabelle, from the other night. Yeah, I think I left my shoes in your car. Is it possible I could get them back at some point?"
He replied saying:
"Yea, no probs. I'm home now if you want them today? I could drop them off?"
I decided against this as by this point I hadn't worked myself up to telling Ash yet and I didn't want the 20 question that she would surely give me over this. So I said we could meet at the pub literally 2 minutes from mine - this is so I could make an easy escape if need be. He agreed and we decided on 7pm.
So, I'll be honest I wanted to look 10 times better than I did the morning I left - as when I got home looking in the mirror I was horrified someone had even seen me that way - I wore my sexy black skinnies and a rather posh and pretty blouse to go along with a pair of wedges. In case he was shorter than I remember and I could have the upper hand being taller than him (Pardoning the pun!)
When I was walking to the pub I seriously felt like I was going to vomit - the humiliation I felt started filling my head again. But I sucked it up, grew some lady balls and walked straight on in.
Callum was sat there - in basically a suit! I didn't have a clue why and I walked up to him. He stood as I came near and I was wrong - not too short, in fact an inch on three bigger than me in wedges! I lost a bit of confidence but managed out a hi.
We had a small chat and he's brought my shoes - in tact - in a Burton bag.
Then my nervous side came out. I asked why he was wearing a suit. He explained he's been to his sisters baby's christening in the day and got home when I messaged, so didn't change. He was much calmer than I was. I thought he'd possibly forgotten the kiss - well until he decided to bring it up.
He said:
"You look a bit nervous. Is it because you tried to kiss me?" I was surely bright red at this point but I replied as grown up as I could. "Yeah, god that was a bad night and I was clearly no better in the morning. Thanks for the help though," I must've covered it because he moved on.
We ended up sitting there for three hours and I did loosen up after a little while and three glasses of wine.
He was truly a gentleman, but did make a little joke every now and then about my behavior on the night out. But won me over straight away with a compliment or joke.
By time we had to be heading off we came up to the awkward good-bye and the question, do we see each other again?
Well, he asked if I fancied dinner as he thought a night out was not on the books for me - yet - and under the thought of 'a girls got to eat' I said yes and we agreed for this coming Friday. But, I had to eventually tell him about James, as a relationship is NOT on the cards for me. So I told Callum that we should just be friends and such and he, thankfully, agreed!
What have I learnt from all this?
- Again some guys can be genuinely nice.
- Always remember your shoes when dashing out of a car.
- Alcohol should not be an outlet for helping me find confidence - I need to work on that!
Well, you all may remember in my last post I thoroughly humiliated myself, projectile vomited in a club, stayed in a strangers flat, kissed him, and have now debated for days whether or not to get my shoes back. I did actually contemplate getting new ones - ergo the title, and I actually went to the shop I got them from, but they don't sell them anymore. So I decided to bite the bullet and face the embarrassing truth I simply had to face this guy again.
So, I remembered I didn't have his number, but he added me on Facebook - so I sought him out!
His name is Callum. Once I found him I contemplated leaving a message on his wall - then decided against further embarrassment and sent him a message - well after I had a glass of wine to give some courage in which to do this at five in the afternoon!
I sent him a short message saying:
"Hi, I'm Isabelle, from the other night. Yeah, I think I left my shoes in your car. Is it possible I could get them back at some point?"
He replied saying:
"Yea, no probs. I'm home now if you want them today? I could drop them off?"
I decided against this as by this point I hadn't worked myself up to telling Ash yet and I didn't want the 20 question that she would surely give me over this. So I said we could meet at the pub literally 2 minutes from mine - this is so I could make an easy escape if need be. He agreed and we decided on 7pm.
So, I'll be honest I wanted to look 10 times better than I did the morning I left - as when I got home looking in the mirror I was horrified someone had even seen me that way - I wore my sexy black skinnies and a rather posh and pretty blouse to go along with a pair of wedges. In case he was shorter than I remember and I could have the upper hand being taller than him (Pardoning the pun!)
When I was walking to the pub I seriously felt like I was going to vomit - the humiliation I felt started filling my head again. But I sucked it up, grew some lady balls and walked straight on in.
Callum was sat there - in basically a suit! I didn't have a clue why and I walked up to him. He stood as I came near and I was wrong - not too short, in fact an inch on three bigger than me in wedges! I lost a bit of confidence but managed out a hi.
We had a small chat and he's brought my shoes - in tact - in a Burton bag.
Then my nervous side came out. I asked why he was wearing a suit. He explained he's been to his sisters baby's christening in the day and got home when I messaged, so didn't change. He was much calmer than I was. I thought he'd possibly forgotten the kiss - well until he decided to bring it up.
He said:
"You look a bit nervous. Is it because you tried to kiss me?" I was surely bright red at this point but I replied as grown up as I could. "Yeah, god that was a bad night and I was clearly no better in the morning. Thanks for the help though," I must've covered it because he moved on.
We ended up sitting there for three hours and I did loosen up after a little while and three glasses of wine.
He was truly a gentleman, but did make a little joke every now and then about my behavior on the night out. But won me over straight away with a compliment or joke.
By time we had to be heading off we came up to the awkward good-bye and the question, do we see each other again?
Well, he asked if I fancied dinner as he thought a night out was not on the books for me - yet - and under the thought of 'a girls got to eat' I said yes and we agreed for this coming Friday. But, I had to eventually tell him about James, as a relationship is NOT on the cards for me. So I told Callum that we should just be friends and such and he, thankfully, agreed!
What have I learnt from all this?
- Again some guys can be genuinely nice.
- Always remember your shoes when dashing out of a car.
- Alcohol should not be an outlet for helping me find confidence - I need to work on that!
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Breaking Point
Well, I shall start by apologising for not blogging in AGES... It just seems I have had more on my plate than necessary for that last couple of weeks... I might as well be honest with you all I've started my PHD and me and James have ended up decided we've took a break from each other.
Like we still love each other but he's been recruited to do some vet work work abroad on that donkey charity you may all have heard of and well basically we're both going to be so busy until Christmas so we've took a break to see how things go until then!
Surprisingly we're both coping with it very well - well I hope. I know I needed some serious BFF TLC!
Basically Ash has picked up all my pieces took me away from seriously thick books and helped me get my arse out of the house! Because apparently staying in doing work 24/7 and only leaving for shifts at the hospital is "Not good for you" to quote her as she was literally washing my hair for me at my work desk in my room!
Well for the first time in weeks I actually felt great!
She dressed me in my Prada dress my mum got me for graduation and my favorite green heels (As strange as they sound they're fab!) and we headed out for a night out. Now, Ash's idea was to go out and pull a student (Basically her 'love of her life' found a new girl on his jollies and now she feels a bit pied), mine was to go out and FORGET about men and relationships and just get a drunk as I possibly could!
Well my part of our plan well extremely well, so well in fact I threw up in the nearest toilets I could get to - which fortunately for the other women about was in the MEN'S toilets. Yes, I was projectile vomiting into a cubicle in the men's! When all of a sudden I heard "You alright mate?" It was some stranger outside the door, I simply spluttered out "I'm NOT boy I just feel sick!" - Oh the shame of being that person on the night out that even strangers wonder if you're alright. Well, I cleaned myself off and made my way out of the cubicle to which I was greeted by a guy holding a glass of water and a packed of Polo's!
I don't know what wad more embarrassing that fact that he was trying to help me or the fact I realised in the process of drinking the water I spilled it down myself then drunkly said "You can pat me dry" he laughed and said he would help me out to a taxi.
We stumbled outside, him basically carrying me and sat on a curb near by, with him giving me more water.
After about half an hour of silence and me trying to sober up I managed to force out an awkward thank - you. He said it was no problem and he was happy to help and that his night was pretty dull until me. Now, in my still slightly drunk state I took this as an insult and said "Oh glad my suffering has been amusing to you!" He apologised and explained he actually wanted to help me. He asked what was up with me and I didn't tell him my whole situation but enough to explain the drunken antics.
He was really understanding and asked if I need help getting home - by this point I saw Ash waiting by the taxi rank - prey in tow and snogging the face off him, and realised him helping me home was going to be more helpful than Ash so I agreed and we headed over to a taxi. I then did something I didn't expect myself to do. I said "Ash is going to be having crazy sex all night, can I sleep at yours? Not for sex, just for a place to stay." He said "Yeah, that's no problem. I have a flat round the corner with my brother, he's not in so you could sleep in his room"
The taxi drove us round and he piggy-backed me all the way to his third floor flat.
It was nice and not at ALL how I imagined two guys flat would be - basically because it was clean and tidy! He showed me to his brothers room and I collapsed on the bed. Dead to world until the sun crept through the window.
The next morning I did intend to sneak away without him noticing but he was one of the sickening morning people and was waiting for me in the kitchen with a pot of coffee. Now, there was NO sex involved but I couldn't shift the distinct feeling of the 'walk of shame' as I had last nights outfit on and shoes in had. But he didn't seem as arsed as me and I accepted the drink.
He gave me his number and added me on Facebook - even though I did protest and explain due to my PHD I wouldn't have time for it. But he insisted anyhow and he said he's walk me home. I refused as again the walk of shame' feeling still remained and he then said he's drive me.
He drove me home and I said thank you for everything with a hug. Now, with the hug, I thought he was going in for a kiss and he did help me, so I thought, it's the least I could do. Though from the shock he got from the kiss I don't think that was his exact intention. I did the only grown up thing I could think of said thanks and high tailed it out of there faster than my brain could process.
But it wasn't until later that day - after I'd decided to save myself from more embarrassment and never see him again - I realised I'd left my best shoes in his car! So now it's just the debate whether to or when to get them back!
What have I learnt from my antics?
- Never go out upset - it WILL lead to more upsetting times! Also, not all guys are actually after getting in your pants - that or he's gay!
Like we still love each other but he's been recruited to do some vet work work abroad on that donkey charity you may all have heard of and well basically we're both going to be so busy until Christmas so we've took a break to see how things go until then!
Surprisingly we're both coping with it very well - well I hope. I know I needed some serious BFF TLC!
Basically Ash has picked up all my pieces took me away from seriously thick books and helped me get my arse out of the house! Because apparently staying in doing work 24/7 and only leaving for shifts at the hospital is "Not good for you" to quote her as she was literally washing my hair for me at my work desk in my room!
Well for the first time in weeks I actually felt great!
She dressed me in my Prada dress my mum got me for graduation and my favorite green heels (As strange as they sound they're fab!) and we headed out for a night out. Now, Ash's idea was to go out and pull a student (Basically her 'love of her life' found a new girl on his jollies and now she feels a bit pied), mine was to go out and FORGET about men and relationships and just get a drunk as I possibly could!
Well my part of our plan well extremely well, so well in fact I threw up in the nearest toilets I could get to - which fortunately for the other women about was in the MEN'S toilets. Yes, I was projectile vomiting into a cubicle in the men's! When all of a sudden I heard "You alright mate?" It was some stranger outside the door, I simply spluttered out "I'm NOT boy I just feel sick!" - Oh the shame of being that person on the night out that even strangers wonder if you're alright. Well, I cleaned myself off and made my way out of the cubicle to which I was greeted by a guy holding a glass of water and a packed of Polo's!
I don't know what wad more embarrassing that fact that he was trying to help me or the fact I realised in the process of drinking the water I spilled it down myself then drunkly said "You can pat me dry" he laughed and said he would help me out to a taxi.
We stumbled outside, him basically carrying me and sat on a curb near by, with him giving me more water.
After about half an hour of silence and me trying to sober up I managed to force out an awkward thank - you. He said it was no problem and he was happy to help and that his night was pretty dull until me. Now, in my still slightly drunk state I took this as an insult and said "Oh glad my suffering has been amusing to you!" He apologised and explained he actually wanted to help me. He asked what was up with me and I didn't tell him my whole situation but enough to explain the drunken antics.
He was really understanding and asked if I need help getting home - by this point I saw Ash waiting by the taxi rank - prey in tow and snogging the face off him, and realised him helping me home was going to be more helpful than Ash so I agreed and we headed over to a taxi. I then did something I didn't expect myself to do. I said "Ash is going to be having crazy sex all night, can I sleep at yours? Not for sex, just for a place to stay." He said "Yeah, that's no problem. I have a flat round the corner with my brother, he's not in so you could sleep in his room"
The taxi drove us round and he piggy-backed me all the way to his third floor flat.
It was nice and not at ALL how I imagined two guys flat would be - basically because it was clean and tidy! He showed me to his brothers room and I collapsed on the bed. Dead to world until the sun crept through the window.
The next morning I did intend to sneak away without him noticing but he was one of the sickening morning people and was waiting for me in the kitchen with a pot of coffee. Now, there was NO sex involved but I couldn't shift the distinct feeling of the 'walk of shame' as I had last nights outfit on and shoes in had. But he didn't seem as arsed as me and I accepted the drink.
He gave me his number and added me on Facebook - even though I did protest and explain due to my PHD I wouldn't have time for it. But he insisted anyhow and he said he's walk me home. I refused as again the walk of shame' feeling still remained and he then said he's drive me.
He drove me home and I said thank you for everything with a hug. Now, with the hug, I thought he was going in for a kiss and he did help me, so I thought, it's the least I could do. Though from the shock he got from the kiss I don't think that was his exact intention. I did the only grown up thing I could think of said thanks and high tailed it out of there faster than my brain could process.
But it wasn't until later that day - after I'd decided to save myself from more embarrassment and never see him again - I realised I'd left my best shoes in his car! So now it's just the debate whether to or when to get them back!
What have I learnt from my antics?
- Never go out upset - it WILL lead to more upsetting times! Also, not all guys are actually after getting in your pants - that or he's gay!
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
SU Disaster!
It's crazy August has already started!
I'm all better by the way and my mother left eventually - but not without insulting me at least 100 times before she left!
Last night however I was not insulted I was rather flattered.
Last night I went out with Ashley. We decided with us both having a day of today we'd go have some 'We hate Monday's' Cocktails.
We got all dolled up and I put on my new dress, I bought when I was feeling sorry for myself about my black eyes and ankle, and Ashley had on the skimpiest dress we'd ever seen - but of course she could suit it.
Well we went out and Ashley had been giving me the updates on her Mr.Perfect (She'd just spent the weekend with him) she was filling me in when he'd be moving to the city - and basically when I'd NEVER see her again - no I'm joking but she is rather smitten with him, well smitten is an understatement, but I'm happy for her.
I informed her of my worries about my PHD - ugh that doesn't make me feel old! Well I was worried about basically not being smart enough ect ha ha, but of course Ash always has the best cures for worries - We drink!
Well our couple of cocktails turned into ten and we ended up having a Monday night party.
We went to a few clubs but being a Monday they all decided to be closed early - except the local SU - sigh yes, we went to the SU night. I was shocked they had them during summer, but what ever they did and yes we went at 22 and not students. Sigh again!
Being the oldest people there I kind of felt like a cougar, and being drunk that led to me and Ash standing growling and looking retarded for what must have been ten minutes.
But, moving from cougar mode we moved ourselves on to the dance floor and started to hot it up - me and Ash can always draw attention to ourselves when we're out together when we're dancing - but looking back that probably never a good thing and last night we got attention we kind of didn't want.
As we were dancing a group of guys had sort of crowded around us and started dancing with us. Now I don't mind a friendly dance but me and Ash decided we'd slip away from the dance floor and get ourselves a drink - this is when we felt old!
As we were at the bar two of the blokes from the dance floor had left just behind us. As we were getting our drinks they appeared beside us, the chatted with us and we asked if they were students, the initially said yes, but then the truth came out - they were going to be students in September. So yes, at this point me and Ash were getting chatted up by two A-Level students. At this point we saw the error of our ways, decided we'd made a mistake coming to the SU and decided to pack up and get the hell out of there.
Now today, I'll be honest I'm nursing a mother of a hangover and still reeling in my mind that there was school kids trying to chat me up. Sometimes looking young-ish is NOT on my side.
I've learnt a genuine life lesson from this:
- Unless you're a student , don't got to a student night, even at Master's level it just becomes sad. Sigh!
I'm all better by the way and my mother left eventually - but not without insulting me at least 100 times before she left!
Last night however I was not insulted I was rather flattered.
Last night I went out with Ashley. We decided with us both having a day of today we'd go have some 'We hate Monday's' Cocktails.
We got all dolled up and I put on my new dress, I bought when I was feeling sorry for myself about my black eyes and ankle, and Ashley had on the skimpiest dress we'd ever seen - but of course she could suit it.
Well we went out and Ashley had been giving me the updates on her Mr.Perfect (She'd just spent the weekend with him) she was filling me in when he'd be moving to the city - and basically when I'd NEVER see her again - no I'm joking but she is rather smitten with him, well smitten is an understatement, but I'm happy for her.
I informed her of my worries about my PHD - ugh that doesn't make me feel old! Well I was worried about basically not being smart enough ect ha ha, but of course Ash always has the best cures for worries - We drink!
Well our couple of cocktails turned into ten and we ended up having a Monday night party.
We went to a few clubs but being a Monday they all decided to be closed early - except the local SU - sigh yes, we went to the SU night. I was shocked they had them during summer, but what ever they did and yes we went at 22 and not students. Sigh again!
Being the oldest people there I kind of felt like a cougar, and being drunk that led to me and Ash standing growling and looking retarded for what must have been ten minutes.
But, moving from cougar mode we moved ourselves on to the dance floor and started to hot it up - me and Ash can always draw attention to ourselves when we're out together when we're dancing - but looking back that probably never a good thing and last night we got attention we kind of didn't want.
As we were dancing a group of guys had sort of crowded around us and started dancing with us. Now I don't mind a friendly dance but me and Ash decided we'd slip away from the dance floor and get ourselves a drink - this is when we felt old!
As we were at the bar two of the blokes from the dance floor had left just behind us. As we were getting our drinks they appeared beside us, the chatted with us and we asked if they were students, the initially said yes, but then the truth came out - they were going to be students in September. So yes, at this point me and Ash were getting chatted up by two A-Level students. At this point we saw the error of our ways, decided we'd made a mistake coming to the SU and decided to pack up and get the hell out of there.
Now today, I'll be honest I'm nursing a mother of a hangover and still reeling in my mind that there was school kids trying to chat me up. Sometimes looking young-ish is NOT on my side.
I've learnt a genuine life lesson from this:
- Unless you're a student , don't got to a student night, even at Master's level it just becomes sad. Sigh!
Friday, 27 July 2012
Mum's the word
Due to my accident, in my previous blog, it seems even with all this time off my blog has been lacking - well I guess you all didn't want to hear of the adventures of my watching Friends re-runs and eating Ben&Jerrys. But I'm back with my newest unfortunate incident!
Well, I'm just about all better, back at work - still pulling the old "Ow, my ankle I may need breakfast in bed" on James. But I'm basically on the mend. Which means of course, my mother will now see it fit time to visit me.
I should explain - me and mum aren't close, she used to work as an air hostess- basically - when I was a little kid, so I didn't see her ever, so we weren't close and I got close to my dad. But when he died, she had to stop that and worked elsewhere. To be honest, I saw her more when she flew about. But to speak frankly we aren't close, and NEVER will be. Plus, my psychology degree's have taught me this is why I am the way I am - so ha I can blame my personality defects on my mum - though I don't to her face - I don't say much to her face. Actually I think she read about my ankle off my friends Facebook - but I'm side-tracking now, so I shall go on with the story.
Well I was quite happy that they'd given me the four day weekend and my job at the Restaurant was put on hold until my ankle is 100% (For health & safety and legal reason blah, blah what ever) so I thought I'd watch the Olympics and relax the weekend away, but oh no, it cannot go that way for me.
My mummy dearest phones out of the blue last night saying she's on her way to see me and to have my bed ready for her! My bed, was my first thought, then 'oh fuck a weekend with my mother' - That's one thing I can kinda give her credit for, when she says she coming to visit, she means it! Basically her idea of a weekend away is as four day weekend - so I was hoping she wouldn't notice any bank holiday - or whatever it is.
This is the point in films where couples get out all the hideous items the in-laws have given them over the years, and I'll be honest, we actually have to do the same thing. Anything my mother buys us is very, well ugly she gets us these modern things that she's picked up abroad like giant wooden heads and they'r so ugly, I just don't understand who actually looks at them and get's them for someone they supposedly love... they're like a 'I hate you, but have to get you a gift, so here have this!" presents. So after we unpacked her shit she hadn't been lying she was on her way. She pulled up (In a disabled bay of all places, outside the building) then actually phoned me to help with her stuff - as if I'm not the f*cking injured party here!
Long story short we lugged (or rather James lugged) all her stuff up to the flat, to which she the said nothing to me and asked James when he was ordering dinner in.
My mum and James are another touchy subject. She doesn't like the fact he's a vet, because apparently 'he spent all that time learning to be a vet, when he could've been a real doctor'. Yes, my mum thinks she wants the best for me and quote unquote 'someone that fits in with out family' - That's another story for another day.
So after my mother was happily fed (ha when is she happy with what I do) we got down to the important business - I know what you're thinking, my ankle - but wrong again! No, the important business is how I plan to pay for my PHD, to which I flipped out on.
Yes, I told her - in the nicest way possible - that's she's meant to be here to see how I'm doing not discuss things we've already discussed... Sigh, my mother and me are chalk and cheese. We DO NOT get along.
So I decided to make amends this morning and she actually said sorry (and boy was I shocked) and suggested we do something for me - I though oh a nice facial, manicure then home for a film - oh no, my mother's version of stuff for 'me' is going shopping for her holiday clothes because the shops are better here.
I suppose, it's a big step for her to say sorry and she's decided the couch will be fine to sleep on. So perhaps in 50 or 60 years (In other words when she's *cough* passed away *cough*) we might get along.
Hhahahahaha - or not.
But I suppose this is why I say we're snowed in EVERY Christmas.
Let's just see if I get arrested for murder within the next couple of days!
But a lovely saying does spring to mind:
"You can chose your friends - but not your family" - Goddam person who decided that!
Well, I'm just about all better, back at work - still pulling the old "Ow, my ankle I may need breakfast in bed" on James. But I'm basically on the mend. Which means of course, my mother will now see it fit time to visit me.
I should explain - me and mum aren't close, she used to work as an air hostess- basically - when I was a little kid, so I didn't see her ever, so we weren't close and I got close to my dad. But when he died, she had to stop that and worked elsewhere. To be honest, I saw her more when she flew about. But to speak frankly we aren't close, and NEVER will be. Plus, my psychology degree's have taught me this is why I am the way I am - so ha I can blame my personality defects on my mum - though I don't to her face - I don't say much to her face. Actually I think she read about my ankle off my friends Facebook - but I'm side-tracking now, so I shall go on with the story.
Well I was quite happy that they'd given me the four day weekend and my job at the Restaurant was put on hold until my ankle is 100% (For health & safety and legal reason blah, blah what ever) so I thought I'd watch the Olympics and relax the weekend away, but oh no, it cannot go that way for me.
My mummy dearest phones out of the blue last night saying she's on her way to see me and to have my bed ready for her! My bed, was my first thought, then 'oh fuck a weekend with my mother' - That's one thing I can kinda give her credit for, when she says she coming to visit, she means it! Basically her idea of a weekend away is as four day weekend - so I was hoping she wouldn't notice any bank holiday - or whatever it is.
![]() |
Yes, we actually have stuff like this we have to display - publicly! |
Long story short we lugged (or rather James lugged) all her stuff up to the flat, to which she the said nothing to me and asked James when he was ordering dinner in.
My mum and James are another touchy subject. She doesn't like the fact he's a vet, because apparently 'he spent all that time learning to be a vet, when he could've been a real doctor'. Yes, my mum thinks she wants the best for me and quote unquote 'someone that fits in with out family' - That's another story for another day.
So after my mother was happily fed (ha when is she happy with what I do) we got down to the important business - I know what you're thinking, my ankle - but wrong again! No, the important business is how I plan to pay for my PHD, to which I flipped out on.
Yes, I told her - in the nicest way possible - that's she's meant to be here to see how I'm doing not discuss things we've already discussed... Sigh, my mother and me are chalk and cheese. We DO NOT get along.
So I decided to make amends this morning and she actually said sorry (and boy was I shocked) and suggested we do something for me - I though oh a nice facial, manicure then home for a film - oh no, my mother's version of stuff for 'me' is going shopping for her holiday clothes because the shops are better here.
I suppose, it's a big step for her to say sorry and she's decided the couch will be fine to sleep on. So perhaps in 50 or 60 years (In other words when she's *cough* passed away *cough*) we might get along.
Hhahahahaha - or not.
But I suppose this is why I say we're snowed in EVERY Christmas.
Let's just see if I get arrested for murder within the next couple of days!
But a lovely saying does spring to mind:
"You can chose your friends - but not your family" - Goddam person who decided that!
Thursday, 12 July 2012
This morning has been the most mortifying in my life - and I'm the girl that tripped during the graduation ceremony, so I can confirm it's been pretty shit.
I was going into work as per usual and doing the rounds shadowing as I normally do when I got the chance to sit in on a child's therapy, you know to see what I want to specify in - Yes, I am aware, I should have chosen by now and I'm now sat with two degrees and still not sure what specific path to take. But, I thought it would be fun, as long as it didn't turn out the kid was like Michael Myers junior, then I'd be fine.
I sat in and the kid had lost his dad young and started acting out ect. Pretty normal for them situations, but his mum had brought him to see the doctor any how. It went smoothly, I didn't say the wrong thing, but I discovered, yet again, I HATE kids, and do NOT wish to work with them - no matter how much of a 'pure natural', to quote my boss, I am with them. Yes, ok, it was alright and if I have to say so myself I thought I had got through to him, until of course I went to leave the room as I was called out and the kid stuck his legs out. I was completely oblivious to this, as was everyone else, well of course until I fell straight forward killing my ankle then completely face-planting the floor with tremendous force may I add.
The next thing I remember is being lifted on to the couch, and being told "It didn't seem broken, but we best rush you to x-ray" Now, my instant reaction was 'OMFG, my face!" - as shallow as it may sound, but you know, face planting the floor, I didn't really want a broken nose. But no, they meant my ankle and which in my state of panic about my face, I'd forgotten about and tried to stand up and see what I looked like - Then I effing remembered it!
I was rushed to x-ray and no - thank god - it wasn't broken, but badly sprained and bruised, along with my now two giant black eyes and my pride.
When I was back in the office there was a knock at the door, it was the kid and his mum, they'd came to apologize to me, which was fair enough, until however, the kid said me falling was the funniest thing he'd ever seen and he wants me to be his doctor all the time, to which I stated I wasn't a doctor - yet - and couldn't be. But I did hold my tongue and not explain that I'd very much like to see him trip next time.
Maybe, I'm not that cut out to work with kids, but I suppose I'll have to wait and see as surely they cant all be pure evil. Well, I may best not take that chance!
Now, I am sat foot up on my couch with Mamma Mia blaring away, to which I will admit I'm singing along terribly with. But on the up side, James rushed from work to take me home and is now doing some serious pampering hot chocolate, cake the lot.
I could get used to this injured thing!
I was going into work as per usual and doing the rounds shadowing as I normally do when I got the chance to sit in on a child's therapy, you know to see what I want to specify in - Yes, I am aware, I should have chosen by now and I'm now sat with two degrees and still not sure what specific path to take. But, I thought it would be fun, as long as it didn't turn out the kid was like Michael Myers junior, then I'd be fine.
I sat in and the kid had lost his dad young and started acting out ect. Pretty normal for them situations, but his mum had brought him to see the doctor any how. It went smoothly, I didn't say the wrong thing, but I discovered, yet again, I HATE kids, and do NOT wish to work with them - no matter how much of a 'pure natural', to quote my boss, I am with them. Yes, ok, it was alright and if I have to say so myself I thought I had got through to him, until of course I went to leave the room as I was called out and the kid stuck his legs out. I was completely oblivious to this, as was everyone else, well of course until I fell straight forward killing my ankle then completely face-planting the floor with tremendous force may I add.
The next thing I remember is being lifted on to the couch, and being told "It didn't seem broken, but we best rush you to x-ray" Now, my instant reaction was 'OMFG, my face!" - as shallow as it may sound, but you know, face planting the floor, I didn't really want a broken nose. But no, they meant my ankle and which in my state of panic about my face, I'd forgotten about and tried to stand up and see what I looked like - Then I effing remembered it!
I was rushed to x-ray and no - thank god - it wasn't broken, but badly sprained and bruised, along with my now two giant black eyes and my pride.
When I was back in the office there was a knock at the door, it was the kid and his mum, they'd came to apologize to me, which was fair enough, until however, the kid said me falling was the funniest thing he'd ever seen and he wants me to be his doctor all the time, to which I stated I wasn't a doctor - yet - and couldn't be. But I did hold my tongue and not explain that I'd very much like to see him trip next time.
Maybe, I'm not that cut out to work with kids, but I suppose I'll have to wait and see as surely they cant all be pure evil. Well, I may best not take that chance!
Now, I am sat foot up on my couch with Mamma Mia blaring away, to which I will admit I'm singing along terribly with. But on the up side, James rushed from work to take me home and is now doing some serious pampering hot chocolate, cake the lot.
I could get used to this injured thing!
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Never Again
Well I haven't wrote in a while due to the fact I've been whisked away for few days in celebration of my new job.
I was whisked away for a country cabin brake, in Wales. One trouble with Wales, rain and lots of it.
We went to a little cabin for a five night, four day brake. It was perfect. But during this brake I discovered something I like about rain - sex - and lots of it. The constant rain and no t.v meant that we need to find a hobby we both liked, and we both like this, so yay, good holiday!
Well, it must've been the dark days due to the rain, the indoor jacuzzi, the log fire. But it was a perfect setting for any best romantic moment ever!
We spent the days waking up early, went for walks in the rain and how romantic is this? He, being a vet, even managed to save a mouse from dying in a trap, I mean come on it was like being on holiday with every prince charming ever!
But, it was also like something from Jeepers creepers, with the guy who runs and looks after cabins. He was a nutter! Like a serious psychopath (I can say that as I have psychology degree!) He would like "randomly" turn up at the cabin to check everything was ok. But I think he just wanted catch us in the act as the first time he knocked I had to open the door with just a short robe on. In my defence, I'm a decent height and they should accommodate to normal people and obviously not those who want to show all.
Besides our scary moments it was brilliant, but the best part was being shouted at in Welsh.
Well, we went out for a night out, you know romantic and we'd met another couple near by and they insisted we go with them. They were nice, but really city folk. I suppose I am, but they were Londoners, having rarely leaving London. So they didn't want to go alone.
Well we went for drinks in the village near by, only to be asked why we were in the "oldies" pub, and not in the night club, by the barman. So we thought we'd check out this village night club. To be honest I thought it would be mirror image the that slaggy night club on Hollyoaks that they all go to, everyone knows everyone and everyone as slept with everyone, so I was not optimistic.
It wasn't quite a raving city night out, but it wasn't half bad, the music was good and it had a fair few in it. The tragic side that made it like Hollyoaks was the fact everyone knew everyone. So when I went to the bar to get us a round in, I started my drunk habit of talking to everyone around me. As the bar was heaving, I ended up talking to the Welsh guy next to me for about ten minutes. As I was about to actually order are drinks a random girl came up to me and was shouting at me and pointing at said welsh guy. At this point I guessed he was her boyfriend. But I really thought I was so drunk I couldn't understand her. Then after working out she was talking in Welsh, I got really annoyed and shouted "F*cking hell, if you're going to have a go, could you at least do it so I can understand you!" She then didn't seem so angry and started looking sheepish. I didn't think I was scary, but asumed I was winning so I got on a role and really started laying into her. But suddenly the welsh guy I'd talked to said. "Could you please stop, she's sorry, but she thought you were someone else." - What a knob I must have looked at this point.
So me now quickly jumping off my high horse due to this humiliation of basically bullying some local girl apologised and bought her a drink - well like I said everyone knows everyone, I wasn't going to run any rick of getting bottled!
So, as we headed home after me being teased by the group for my "incident" I was not going to sleep, I as too jazzed up and insisted we all get in the jacuzzi. The rest is rather blurry, but it included body shots, gin and then collapsing in the lounge with the fire burning after me and Kerrie (The girl from the other couple) had insisted on swapping clothes, which was damn confusing in the morning.
In short, not a holiday I shall forget soon and we've met a fellow couple, that we're actually keeping in touch with. and hopefully they don't think I want to be a swinger.
But would you like to know the life lessons I learnt?
- I should not be left by myself when drunk
- I should also not be allowed to make the ending night decision as it turns out, I make the decisions that make you think you've had a foursome, or make others think you want to be a swinger, but really you've just got parraletic and swapped clothes with a randomer.
I can firmly say, I won't be drinking, or going to Wales for a bit. Or at least no night's out there.
I was whisked away for a country cabin brake, in Wales. One trouble with Wales, rain and lots of it.
We went to a little cabin for a five night, four day brake. It was perfect. But during this brake I discovered something I like about rain - sex - and lots of it. The constant rain and no t.v meant that we need to find a hobby we both liked, and we both like this, so yay, good holiday!
Well, it must've been the dark days due to the rain, the indoor jacuzzi, the log fire. But it was a perfect setting for any best romantic moment ever!
We spent the days waking up early, went for walks in the rain and how romantic is this? He, being a vet, even managed to save a mouse from dying in a trap, I mean come on it was like being on holiday with every prince charming ever!
But, it was also like something from Jeepers creepers, with the guy who runs and looks after cabins. He was a nutter! Like a serious psychopath (I can say that as I have psychology degree!) He would like "randomly" turn up at the cabin to check everything was ok. But I think he just wanted catch us in the act as the first time he knocked I had to open the door with just a short robe on. In my defence, I'm a decent height and they should accommodate to normal people and obviously not those who want to show all.
Besides our scary moments it was brilliant, but the best part was being shouted at in Welsh.
Well, we went out for a night out, you know romantic and we'd met another couple near by and they insisted we go with them. They were nice, but really city folk. I suppose I am, but they were Londoners, having rarely leaving London. So they didn't want to go alone.
Well we went for drinks in the village near by, only to be asked why we were in the "oldies" pub, and not in the night club, by the barman. So we thought we'd check out this village night club. To be honest I thought it would be mirror image the that slaggy night club on Hollyoaks that they all go to, everyone knows everyone and everyone as slept with everyone, so I was not optimistic.
It wasn't quite a raving city night out, but it wasn't half bad, the music was good and it had a fair few in it. The tragic side that made it like Hollyoaks was the fact everyone knew everyone. So when I went to the bar to get us a round in, I started my drunk habit of talking to everyone around me. As the bar was heaving, I ended up talking to the Welsh guy next to me for about ten minutes. As I was about to actually order are drinks a random girl came up to me and was shouting at me and pointing at said welsh guy. At this point I guessed he was her boyfriend. But I really thought I was so drunk I couldn't understand her. Then after working out she was talking in Welsh, I got really annoyed and shouted "F*cking hell, if you're going to have a go, could you at least do it so I can understand you!" She then didn't seem so angry and started looking sheepish. I didn't think I was scary, but asumed I was winning so I got on a role and really started laying into her. But suddenly the welsh guy I'd talked to said. "Could you please stop, she's sorry, but she thought you were someone else." - What a knob I must have looked at this point.
So me now quickly jumping off my high horse due to this humiliation of basically bullying some local girl apologised and bought her a drink - well like I said everyone knows everyone, I wasn't going to run any rick of getting bottled!
So, as we headed home after me being teased by the group for my "incident" I was not going to sleep, I as too jazzed up and insisted we all get in the jacuzzi. The rest is rather blurry, but it included body shots, gin and then collapsing in the lounge with the fire burning after me and Kerrie (The girl from the other couple) had insisted on swapping clothes, which was damn confusing in the morning.
In short, not a holiday I shall forget soon and we've met a fellow couple, that we're actually keeping in touch with. and hopefully they don't think I want to be a swinger.
But would you like to know the life lessons I learnt?
- I should not be left by myself when drunk
- I should also not be allowed to make the ending night decision as it turns out, I make the decisions that make you think you've had a foursome, or make others think you want to be a swinger, but really you've just got parraletic and swapped clothes with a randomer.
I can firmly say, I won't be drinking, or going to Wales for a bit. Or at least no night's out there.
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
"I'm not the crazy one" He Said!
Thursday's are usually my intern day, at the hospital, but now they've offered me two or three day's a week as a paid intern, as I'm starting my PHD in September. Yes I will be a doctor of psychology - One day. God knows when, but I will be a Doctor!
So today I was called in. I got the phone call yesterday asking if I could come in. I jumped at the idea. Then thought, shit, that's it, I'm getting fired. I've made a patient kill themselves or something!
It was one of them moments when wrack your brain for anything you've ever done wrong.
So after I managed to get no sleep. I showed up about half an hour early and sat nervously in my best work outfit. At least he could keep me on if he thought I looked good!
I got called in Matthew's office (He's the doctor I shadow) I sat there and we literally sat for about 10 minutes in awkward silence. I just sat and stared at him. I looked like I belonged in a group session as a patient!
When he spoke he said this:
So today I was called in. I got the phone call yesterday asking if I could come in. I jumped at the idea. Then thought, shit, that's it, I'm getting fired. I've made a patient kill themselves or something!
It was one of them moments when wrack your brain for anything you've ever done wrong.
So after I managed to get no sleep. I showed up about half an hour early and sat nervously in my best work outfit. At least he could keep me on if he thought I looked good!
I got called in Matthew's office (He's the doctor I shadow) I sat there and we literally sat for about 10 minutes in awkward silence. I just sat and stared at him. I looked like I belonged in a group session as a patient!
When he spoke he said this:
"Well Isabelle, you've worker here for a while. You've been outstanding and I see you'll be starting your phd in the autumn." I agreed and kind of relaxed then he then said "Well we were wondering if you'd like to be a member of our team more than just one day a week?"
I was bloody shocked! I mean I new I'd get somewhere but this place is a private expensive hospital and I have a place there more permanently and better paid. Even more so when I get my PHD.
So today has officially been amazing. But I haven't told you how I answered yet:
I said: "What are you crazy? I mean yeah, yes thank you!" Yes I called my boss crazy, the man who decides my future here crazy. To which he responded, "I'm not the crazy one, with the way you were staring at me earlier!" Oh god yes, he saw! I thought he was reading the papers about me, but he saw. At least he's proven he can crack a joke - hopefully!
Well I can't wait to no longer be Miss. Isabelle Williams but I'm going to be Dr.Isabelle Williams! WoopWoop! Then I will be able to say my favorite line ever "Trust me I'm a doctor!"
So tonight I'm partying with my ladies and get right royally drunk... Rock on Doctors!
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Girls Just Wanna have Fun!
Well with my fella gone to Glasgow for the weekend, you know 'Boys-Weekend' me and Ashley are having a girly weekend of our own!
With our lovely house guest gone- which she's a bit down about that - I decided we were getting drunk and fat!
So last night I took the night off to cheer us both up. Though, she should've been happy because either way her 'love of her life' was moving into the city as lucky beggar had got a job!
Well we had some pre-drinks in the flat and Ash informed me that we were meeting up with a few peoples from under-grad. This unfortunately meant a girl called Emma. Someone in which I absolutely DETEST with every fiber of my being!
It's all because when I was in second year of uni, we got the chance to go abroad to study for a month, brilliant opportunity. I know. Now, she was always interested in James since I brought him out for a student night and he was in a toga, so I could understand the instant fancy from her part. But, throughout the month of study she's sent messages to him over Facebook saying I'd been snogging other guys on night's out and I'd even slept with this guy on my course that had an absolute obvious crush on me. So enough said there.
Well, though he didn't trust her, of course he was a bit off with me, and it wasn't until I asked him what was up he told me what she'd being saying. In the end it got resolved because she admitted it was a "Joke". Who the f*ck jokes like that. The bitch!
Well, after that she would constantly flirt with him and be all over him. So I am honestly happy to say I hate the girl!
Well I got my favorite LBD on (Yes I looked hot. Sorry hotter than her) and we headed out.
It was really fun meeting up with the girls I hadn't seen in a while. We were drinking cocktails, laughing, joking and again drinking!
Well we all had a few too many drinks, we were dancing on the clubs pole and what not. Then suddenly Emma and Ashley ended up dancing on the tables. The bouncer came over and decided we weren't allowed to do that and they had to go! But as it was a bit dark, despite the dance light's the bouncer missed Ash and grabbed me and Emma by mistake. So as I got escorted out of the building, despite my protest, I ended up sat on the curb, with Emma in tow.
Well, we decided we'd sit there until Ash and the rest came out, then suddenly she burst into tears! Crying all because we'd been kicked out and that had never happened to her before! It got completely ridiculous, as she was completely plastered, and she actually thought that it would be a police matter. But worst of all, for her, her parents would find out. Now I did try really hard to resist my laughter, but the cocktails got the better of me and I was hysterically laughing at her, you know that kind of laughing that hurts your sides!
I did apologize and everything, but I guess we can call it payback, for what she did, as she was adamant that I got her kicked out and possibly gave her a criminal record - hilarious, I know!
Well there was no happy ever after between Emma and myself, as Ash eventually came out and we piled her in a taxi and she still blamed me.
Oh well I guess I've learned that, life is not a movie and you don't bond over things like getting kicked out of a club and if you've fallen out with someone for a reason, you probably aren't EVER going to be friends with them again.
Never mind, today I have nursed my hangover, threw up twice and decided that next time I go out, don't dress similar to or look like your best friend and you won't get kicked out of clubs in her place!
With our lovely house guest gone- which she's a bit down about that - I decided we were getting drunk and fat!
So last night I took the night off to cheer us both up. Though, she should've been happy because either way her 'love of her life' was moving into the city as lucky beggar had got a job!
Well we had some pre-drinks in the flat and Ash informed me that we were meeting up with a few peoples from under-grad. This unfortunately meant a girl called Emma. Someone in which I absolutely DETEST with every fiber of my being!
It's all because when I was in second year of uni, we got the chance to go abroad to study for a month, brilliant opportunity. I know. Now, she was always interested in James since I brought him out for a student night and he was in a toga, so I could understand the instant fancy from her part. But, throughout the month of study she's sent messages to him over Facebook saying I'd been snogging other guys on night's out and I'd even slept with this guy on my course that had an absolute obvious crush on me. So enough said there.
Well, though he didn't trust her, of course he was a bit off with me, and it wasn't until I asked him what was up he told me what she'd being saying. In the end it got resolved because she admitted it was a "Joke". Who the f*ck jokes like that. The bitch!
Well, after that she would constantly flirt with him and be all over him. So I am honestly happy to say I hate the girl!
Well I got my favorite LBD on (Yes I looked hot. Sorry hotter than her) and we headed out.
It was really fun meeting up with the girls I hadn't seen in a while. We were drinking cocktails, laughing, joking and again drinking!
Well we all had a few too many drinks, we were dancing on the clubs pole and what not. Then suddenly Emma and Ashley ended up dancing on the tables. The bouncer came over and decided we weren't allowed to do that and they had to go! But as it was a bit dark, despite the dance light's the bouncer missed Ash and grabbed me and Emma by mistake. So as I got escorted out of the building, despite my protest, I ended up sat on the curb, with Emma in tow.
Well, we decided we'd sit there until Ash and the rest came out, then suddenly she burst into tears! Crying all because we'd been kicked out and that had never happened to her before! It got completely ridiculous, as she was completely plastered, and she actually thought that it would be a police matter. But worst of all, for her, her parents would find out. Now I did try really hard to resist my laughter, but the cocktails got the better of me and I was hysterically laughing at her, you know that kind of laughing that hurts your sides!
I did apologize and everything, but I guess we can call it payback, for what she did, as she was adamant that I got her kicked out and possibly gave her a criminal record - hilarious, I know!
Well there was no happy ever after between Emma and myself, as Ash eventually came out and we piled her in a taxi and she still blamed me.
Oh well I guess I've learned that, life is not a movie and you don't bond over things like getting kicked out of a club and if you've fallen out with someone for a reason, you probably aren't EVER going to be friends with them again.
Never mind, today I have nursed my hangover, threw up twice and decided that next time I go out, don't dress similar to or look like your best friend and you won't get kicked out of clubs in her place!
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Birthday 'Bash' Needed!
I am officially not a fan of people!
Especially ones that eat in the restaurant in which I work.
Tonight, it was a birthday party for a girl turning 16. I had originally thought, wow, how mature - when I was 16 all I wanted to do was get wrecked.
But apparently so did they!
It started out OK, until they needed help taking orders, as they hadn't pre-ordered annoyingly. So I had to take all 23 of their orders. So I got round to the 'birthday girl' and she rhymed off her order of some fancy duck dish, then said, and "Could you bring me a bottle of the house red please". Well I'm sure I got a degree, but she obviously didn't know that and obviously thought I was stupider than I look.
She was sat there with a stupid sparkly 'I'm 16 today!' badge on. Now again.I MUST HAVE looked like an idiot! So as I thought she wasn't going to give in I said the typical "Have you got any ID?" to this she responded, "Well not on me, but it'll be fine"
Ok yes, I got annoyed as I was clearly being treat like and idiot and I responded as calmly as I could. "Listen, you were booked under as the part for a sixteen year old, you're wearing a sixteen year old's badge and I'm not serving you!"
To this she threw her glass of water down me and demanded to speak to the manager for my 'unspeakable behavior towards her' - Unspeakable behavior? What? I was doing my bloody job! Plus I was not being treat like an idiot by a child!
Well after she basically whined to my boss, who was clearly trying to hide his laughter from the delusional girl and offered them a free bottle of un-alcoholic wine and said they'd serve it not say the difference to her friends. To be honest, I think all she deserved in this place, was a slap in the face, but to avoid losing this job, I didn't deliver the birthday present she oh so needed.
Anyhow, now that I am finally home after they all stumbled out of the restaurant thinking they were drunk. Hummm, placebo's do work it seems. What a case study the night has been for this psychologist!
Well again note to self, either don't have kids or make sure they're born like friggen old fashioned royals crossed between Einstein, smart and well behaved!
Time to die before I start again tomorrow with a party of oldies, and I speak from experience they're worse than blooming teenagers!
Especially ones that eat in the restaurant in which I work.
Tonight, it was a birthday party for a girl turning 16. I had originally thought, wow, how mature - when I was 16 all I wanted to do was get wrecked.
But apparently so did they!
It started out OK, until they needed help taking orders, as they hadn't pre-ordered annoyingly. So I had to take all 23 of their orders. So I got round to the 'birthday girl' and she rhymed off her order of some fancy duck dish, then said, and "Could you bring me a bottle of the house red please". Well I'm sure I got a degree, but she obviously didn't know that and obviously thought I was stupider than I look.
She was sat there with a stupid sparkly 'I'm 16 today!' badge on. Now again.I MUST HAVE looked like an idiot! So as I thought she wasn't going to give in I said the typical "Have you got any ID?" to this she responded, "Well not on me, but it'll be fine"
Ok yes, I got annoyed as I was clearly being treat like and idiot and I responded as calmly as I could. "Listen, you were booked under as the part for a sixteen year old, you're wearing a sixteen year old's badge and I'm not serving you!"
To this she threw her glass of water down me and demanded to speak to the manager for my 'unspeakable behavior towards her' - Unspeakable behavior? What? I was doing my bloody job! Plus I was not being treat like an idiot by a child!
Well after she basically whined to my boss, who was clearly trying to hide his laughter from the delusional girl and offered them a free bottle of un-alcoholic wine and said they'd serve it not say the difference to her friends. To be honest, I think all she deserved in this place, was a slap in the face, but to avoid losing this job, I didn't deliver the birthday present she oh so needed.
Anyhow, now that I am finally home after they all stumbled out of the restaurant thinking they were drunk. Hummm, placebo's do work it seems. What a case study the night has been for this psychologist!
Well again note to self, either don't have kids or make sure they're born like friggen old fashioned royals crossed between Einstein, smart and well behaved!
Time to die before I start again tomorrow with a party of oldies, and I speak from experience they're worse than blooming teenagers!
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
"Sunbathing W*nkers"
Just so you know, no matter how cynical or blatant you may think I am, I was not the one spouting out my title today. No, in fact, I was one of these 'Sunbathing W*ankers'.
There is something about kids, that get's me so pissed off.
They must have been on study leave but they were so annoying!
Me and Ashley decided we enjoy a sunny day off by cracking out the crop tops and denim shorts and head down to the park to get our tans on! Now, there wasn't just us there, there was a couple of groups of people sunbathing. So we didn't look like complete losers.
We were lying on the grass, soaking in the rays, celeb style sunnies on, when suddenly, these kids came up to us. They were your typical group of kid, you know, some looked kinda chavvy, some had their girlfriends holding their hands, but never once speaking to them - When did kids become such losers? And such annoying tw*t's? They must have been about 15.
They were standing near us and shouting "Look as those Sunbathing W*ankers!"
Oh good lord. Even I could come up with better insults than that, and it was about myself!
I sat up and just looked at them, like WTF! They didn't back up so I piped up!
"Shouldn't you be at school or something! Run home!"
Then one had the audacity, to go, "I'd run home with you and give you a good f*cking!"
Oh good god!
Who actually says things like that? That aren't in porn?
I replayed with as little frustration as I could "Listen! Leave us alone, go home and watch different porn, because your lines are shit!"
That soon shut the little sh*t up!
They left us alone, but we could here them shouting about us from a near by bench.
But, my stubbornness was not going to move us. We laid there for an hour or so before I got a phone call asking if I could cover a waitress' shift. To be honest, I though f*ck, as I spill everything when waiting on, that's why I applied to be a maitre d, and was lucky enough to get it! Plus it pays better.
So if you go in to a restaurant tonight, and get everything spilled over you - it may just be me that's spilling it!
Also, I think I've realised, if I have kids one day, they will have a tracker implanted and will be taught manners! Stupid kids!
Sunday, 17 June 2012
'Oh What a Little Lady"
Father's Day, I may as well be honest with you all, is an awkward day of the year for me. My dad died when I was 8 of cancer. Plus, my mum didn't re-marry until I was 15, so though, my step-dad was always there for me, I effectively did grow up without a dad.
So, being away from home, I phoned my mother and had her put some flowers on my dad's grave for me. And I gave all my love and attention to James' dad, that me and James spent part of the day with.
See James had the reverse situation to me, his mum died from an illness when he was 12, so he grew up with just his dad from then, who didn't re-marry. Talk about a ice-breaker on our first date.
Week took his dad to lunch, who we hadn't really seen since we visited him at Christmas. So we took him for a really fancy lunch at a really posh restaurant in the city. You know the kind you have to book like six months in advance. Well, we got a place on such a busy day due to James' best friend is the head chef here. Well, going into our specially reserved seats, I felt like a celebrity, though I'm not sure how many celebrities have a, current, job as a maitre d' and a one day a week internship as a psychologist at a hospital - Maybe I'll make a first!
Any how, we had a Gorgeous three course meal, then James had some emergency at work , he's a vet. So he had to literally run off. Leaving me and Joseph (His Dad) to walk home, because of course he drove us there, then took off to work. Typical James. Then again, I can't blame him for a dog impaling himself or something.
So we had a lovely stroll home by the river, but of course we didn't escape the rain, like the rest of the country. It was really nice chatting to him, I couldn't believe in all the time I've been with James, I'd never talked to his dad alone. I told him about my dad and he told me about his wife. It was rather sweet. But who did we run into, of course, you know it, Kyle, he wasn't with the 'girlfriend' this time he was with someone else I'd recognised. Oh. no. The guy I'd cheated on him with! Yes, his name is Tom, I literally hadn't seen Tom in years.
As soon as they saw me they obviously started on some stupid comments about me, ones, that as we got closer, because louder, and more embarrassing! By, this point, I was completely unraveling my life story to Joseph as fast as I could and he got really mad.
I was actually sure he was going to phone James and tell him to dump me on the spot, but he didn't. He went over to Kyle and Tom and told them 'shove all their comments where the sun don't shine' (Yes, in those words, he is literally the sweetest man ever!) And told them if they spoke about me again that way, he'd certainly show them a thing or two about what 'getting back at someone' meant!
When we got home, he told me not to worry about telling James about the day, that we say we just had a nice, rainy, stroll home.
When James got home he had a present for his dad. He didn't have an 'emergency' at work, he just desperately wanted to get his dad something to occupy his time - eg, a puppy!
Which, Miko didn't like in the slightest, and was quite happy when they got in the car to go home.
He got him a cocker spaniel puppy, and Joseph let me name her. So I looked on my DVD shelf where I always get the best ideas, and I got to the Lady and the Tramp, which meant it was fate. Her name was Lady!
James thought his dad needed a new woman in his life.
Ask a vet, their answer is always an Animal!
Saturday, 16 June 2012
The day of the house guest!
Well, as I was sound a sleep before a long day at the hospital. I got a mysterious phone call. Blank number. I'm quite curious and I thought, I might as well see who it is that is trying to ring me at 5am. So I answered. It was my best friend Ashley. She had all of a suddenly decided, someone she met literally two minutes ago, on a train (She wasn't drunk. But I'm not sure if that's worse or not because at least with drunk I can sort her out!) was the love of her life! The man she was 'Meant to be with'.
Yes, my best friend, a qualified lawyer, got a first in her degree, the most logical person I know. Has fallen in love with some guy with in two minutes of knowing him.
Well. I thought I'd woke up in some dodgy dream, but no. It was happening. The only words I manged I hear you ask? "Oh Ashley. Why?" Call me un-supportive but, I say me and James have been together nearly 5 years, the first year of that was us flickering in between the 'in a relationship' status and the 'single' one on Facebook. So love at first sight, is not something I'm under the illusion of, plus I've treated people for less at the hospital!
So, I was asked to meet her at the train station. I agreed, thinking that it would be later in the day. Oh no! She meant now! But, stupidly, I got my hoodie on, grabbed my car keys, and drove my arse to the train station. It was quite possibly out of curiosity I went. But any how. When I showed up, she looked like she'd won the x-factor, the lottery and got the worlds most perfect job all at once. Yes, this was a sure sign, that made incredible worry fill over me, this was the 'look of love' for Ashley. One which I hadn't seen in over a year since her 'messy' brake-up.
I got out the car and drudged over to do the awkward hello, and meet the, I must admit, incredibly gorgeous guy standing next to her. His name was Paul. He looked like a mix between Taylor Lautner (Well built eg fit, well from what could see, tanned. Dark hair) and Gavin Henson. Well when he was a bit younger. So not a bad match for Ashley.
They were seated opposite each other on the train back from Manchester. Yes, they both agreed it was love at first sight. *Sigh* and *Yawn*
He's a year older than us and was coming for a job interview at a school in the City. He was a high school teacher. God knows why! I'd rather suffer ten scary patients than a class of teenagers any day!
Ashley, of course insisted he stay with us. My better judgement should've refused. But Ashley said just lock my door and I have James to protect me. Who may I add was bemused by the entire situation.
Skip forward to the Friday night. He was pretty confident he'd got the job, but had a couple more interviews in the following week. By this point. He'd wooed his way in to my boyfriends good books and I suppose he wasn't a creepy serial killer as far as I could tell but go psychologist on him. He was nice. But I'm not convinced about this 'love at first sight' stuff. Call me a cynic but surely it's jsut infatuation. Right?
We went out that night and he even had a go at some guy (Now nicknamed Mr. Gropey) who at different points, in front of us, tried it on, quite strongly with me and Ashley. So, he may not be the man who's meant to be, in my eyes, but at least he tick's the night in shining Armour box - Which is always a bonus.
So my new house guest, has been offered to stay until his interviews are finished, but I have a feeling that's the last I've seen on him, especially if Ashley has her way. Which she usually does!
So I've realised something from this experience-
-Don't answer to unknown numbers, you may just end up, falling asleep at work and in a worst case scenario, with a new house guest!
ps I shall let you know how it goes!
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
I once hoped that when I broke up with my ex, I'd NEVER see him again, but sadly that is NOT the case!
He seems to have cropped his head up far too often over the past few years with James.
His name is Kyle, now we only went out for like just under a year, and he wasn't even my first. But he is literally a creep!
He's not obsessed with us or anything, but he's always so smarmy when he's around me. Like so sexual. If he got my physical he would be on a sex offenders list... But, as if he would. Before we went out, we'd know each other since primary school, like close family's the lot... yes, I know, why did we go out? Well, sex at 16 was cool because he was 19 at the time!
So we went out, I'll be honest, I thought it was brill at the time, he had a job and everything, took me to bars... But, I'll be honest I cheated on him with a work colleague, so our relationship didn't work out.... I personally don't think he ever got over it, so now, every time he see's me, I can guarantee that I will get at least a peck on the cheek and a squeeze of my bum.
Yes, he's one of those. You know the type, reckon's he's a player, but, totally isn't!
Well, I was at my day job at the restaurant, and who walks in?
None other than him! Of course, I wasn't sure it was him to begin with, because he was behind a crowd of 10, but, it's me, so of course it was him!
I started getting all nervous to see him, all I needed was him, in this city at my job. Well as he approached me, I was totally frustrated by the fact he was here. I thought my gran had told him or something. That I didn't even realise who he was with. He had a date! He was all over her! Like in a get a room way!
I wasn't hurt or anything, just annoyed that he get's told absolutely everything from my life from the folks and I always get left in the dark about him. Typical.
Anyway, I was so professional about it, I had them seated and seen to. Then he waved me over when his date went to the loo. This is what he said to me:
"Hi Issi, didn't know you worked here." In such an obvious tone. Of course he knew I worked here!
We chatted for a brief moment then, out of the blue I got, "We could go back to mine when I drop Kate off for a drink if you like. You know to 'catch up'" I was like WTF!!!! Who does that?!
See I told you smarmy.
I was generally speechless, and just walked back to the front of the restaurant. I didn't even have a clue how to respond without slapping him, but of course that would get me fired! So I simply ignored him.
As he was leaving, he actually had the cheek to squeeze my bum, which, made me jump and squeak in front of my boss and colleagues. How embarrassing!
Everyone was like whats wrong?' but I told them, it was one of those 'someones walked over your grave' moments.
I actually feel sorry for this Kate, or genuinely admire her for putting up with him, I'm not sure yet!
Anyway. I think I've learned that ex's are best kept separate from, well, EVERYTHING. Or need to disappear off the face of the earth in my case!
Especially if there nutters, like mine!
Oh how, I wish for the simpler days, that when you dumped someone, they just didn't play stuck-in-the-mud with you a play-time!
Yes, he's one of those. You know the type, reckon's he's a player, but, totally isn't!
Well, I was at my day job at the restaurant, and who walks in?
None other than him! Of course, I wasn't sure it was him to begin with, because he was behind a crowd of 10, but, it's me, so of course it was him!
I started getting all nervous to see him, all I needed was him, in this city at my job. Well as he approached me, I was totally frustrated by the fact he was here. I thought my gran had told him or something. That I didn't even realise who he was with. He had a date! He was all over her! Like in a get a room way!
I wasn't hurt or anything, just annoyed that he get's told absolutely everything from my life from the folks and I always get left in the dark about him. Typical.
Anyway, I was so professional about it, I had them seated and seen to. Then he waved me over when his date went to the loo. This is what he said to me:
"Hi Issi, didn't know you worked here." In such an obvious tone. Of course he knew I worked here!
We chatted for a brief moment then, out of the blue I got, "We could go back to mine when I drop Kate off for a drink if you like. You know to 'catch up'" I was like WTF!!!! Who does that?!
See I told you smarmy.
I was generally speechless, and just walked back to the front of the restaurant. I didn't even have a clue how to respond without slapping him, but of course that would get me fired! So I simply ignored him.
As he was leaving, he actually had the cheek to squeeze my bum, which, made me jump and squeak in front of my boss and colleagues. How embarrassing!
Everyone was like whats wrong?' but I told them, it was one of those 'someones walked over your grave' moments.
I actually feel sorry for this Kate, or genuinely admire her for putting up with him, I'm not sure yet!
Anyway. I think I've learned that ex's are best kept separate from, well, EVERYTHING. Or need to disappear off the face of the earth in my case!
Especially if there nutters, like mine!
Oh how, I wish for the simpler days, that when you dumped someone, they just didn't play stuck-in-the-mud with you a play-time!
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Live, laugh and lovely patients...
I mentioned in my first post that I intern once a week at a psychiatric hospital. As I have been doing so since the start of my post-grad. Now, you may think, 'Oh dear lord', but some people there are lovely. Some go out of depression, or stress. Some, however have more serious issues. I wouldn't have studied it if I didn't love the work.
I have studied in this subject for four years now. But, the people you come across never cease to baffle me! There is one man there that I see every week and he is the nicest man I have ever met in my life. He is so sweet and persists to ask me out every week... You really do meet fascinating people.
There is only once I've ever been scared. Due to the fact I was shadowing a senior psychiatrist, which is usually always ace, but this time, a suicidal man had been admitted by his family.
He was so calm during his session with the doctor, I actually thought there didn't seem much need for the guard. Until he just suddenly lashed out at everyone! He was grabbing anything and throwing it at us, then hitting himself with random objects from around the room. It was terrifying. I got bruised on my head, by the clip-board he'd grabbed off the psychiatrist. It had turned out he had a mild form of Dissociative identity disorder (Which you may know as multiple personality disorder) He was seemingly normal one moment then terrifying the next. He is the one and only person I've requested I NEVER see again.
But the oddest moment so far in this career was when I was on a night out one night with a few girly friends. We were out in a lovely sophisticated bar, you know one of those students can't really afford, but we went anyhow and we were dancing and drinking. Then, I went to get a drink. As I was standing by the bar when this random guy came up to me.
I didn't initially recognize him, but then it hit me. Only two weeks ago he was released from hospital care, and the psychiatrist I was shadowing was his psychiatrist, I knew him. I'd known everything about him, it was so odd. He was admitted six months ago due to stress/depression. But despite that, we chatted with, of course, and awkward tone coming from me.
As, I thought, he was leaving, he came close to me, funnily enough, that didn't bother me, but him asking me out did. He said that apparently 'he'd fell for me in hospital!' Now despite his previous problems, which didn't bother me, it was the fact I have James. I told him so, as gently as I could (I I didn't want to make him go back into hospital) But he surprisingly was completely fine with it. He said his goodbyes, but did insist on me having his number and vice-versa, and now we he's like a best friend!
So, some people you judge because they have had 'illnesses' and been in those kind of hospitals' (As I've heard them being called) actually can be just like you and me, except they've just managed to admit they need help and have got it!
They really have taught me to live, laugh and love!
I have studied in this subject for four years now. But, the people you come across never cease to baffle me! There is one man there that I see every week and he is the nicest man I have ever met in my life. He is so sweet and persists to ask me out every week... You really do meet fascinating people.
There is only once I've ever been scared. Due to the fact I was shadowing a senior psychiatrist, which is usually always ace, but this time, a suicidal man had been admitted by his family.
He was so calm during his session with the doctor, I actually thought there didn't seem much need for the guard. Until he just suddenly lashed out at everyone! He was grabbing anything and throwing it at us, then hitting himself with random objects from around the room. It was terrifying. I got bruised on my head, by the clip-board he'd grabbed off the psychiatrist. It had turned out he had a mild form of Dissociative identity disorder (Which you may know as multiple personality disorder) He was seemingly normal one moment then terrifying the next. He is the one and only person I've requested I NEVER see again.
But the oddest moment so far in this career was when I was on a night out one night with a few girly friends. We were out in a lovely sophisticated bar, you know one of those students can't really afford, but we went anyhow and we were dancing and drinking. Then, I went to get a drink. As I was standing by the bar when this random guy came up to me.
I didn't initially recognize him, but then it hit me. Only two weeks ago he was released from hospital care, and the psychiatrist I was shadowing was his psychiatrist, I knew him. I'd known everything about him, it was so odd. He was admitted six months ago due to stress/depression. But despite that, we chatted with, of course, and awkward tone coming from me.
As, I thought, he was leaving, he came close to me, funnily enough, that didn't bother me, but him asking me out did. He said that apparently 'he'd fell for me in hospital!' Now despite his previous problems, which didn't bother me, it was the fact I have James. I told him so, as gently as I could (I I didn't want to make him go back into hospital) But he surprisingly was completely fine with it. He said his goodbyes, but did insist on me having his number and vice-versa, and now we he's like a best friend!
So, some people you judge because they have had 'illnesses' and been in those kind of hospitals' (As I've heard them being called) actually can be just like you and me, except they've just managed to admit they need help and have got it!
They really have taught me to live, laugh and love!
Sweet Like Chocolate...
Well I've started this blog due to my recent move to a new City.
I've just finished my post-grad in psychology. So yes, watch out, I can read you like a book.
Though, my new job is in hosting. I am the host at quite the snazzy restaurant. Though I do intern once a week in a psychiatric hospital
This blog is about my life in the world and what shenanigans that may entail.
I live in a medium-sized flat with my boyfriend (James) of nearly 5 years. We have a cat called Miko. Just a bit of extra info for you there!
When I finished my post-grad I was under absolutely no illusion that I would waltz straight into a job, especially not one that would allow me to live in a mansion in Chelsea. But I had hoped for more than a one-day-a-week intern... God damn the country for lack of crazy people will to pay for treatment.
Never mind. I have started this to also help me realise what you can learn outside of education. Because with uni, you know whats on the syllabus and therefore, you know what to do to get it right, whereas, life is like a box of chocolates, and you never know what you're going to get, or what you have to do with that to get it right.
Get ready for my installments on life, love, jobs, and simply what it's like to grow up and have to live in the big bad box of chocolates!
I've just finished my post-grad in psychology. So yes, watch out, I can read you like a book.
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I live in a medium-sized flat with my boyfriend (James) of nearly 5 years. We have a cat called Miko. Just a bit of extra info for you there!
When I finished my post-grad I was under absolutely no illusion that I would waltz straight into a job, especially not one that would allow me to live in a mansion in Chelsea. But I had hoped for more than a one-day-a-week intern... God damn the country for lack of crazy people will to pay for treatment.
Never mind. I have started this to also help me realise what you can learn outside of education. Because with uni, you know whats on the syllabus and therefore, you know what to do to get it right, whereas, life is like a box of chocolates, and you never know what you're going to get, or what you have to do with that to get it right.
Get ready for my installments on life, love, jobs, and simply what it's like to grow up and have to live in the big bad box of chocolates!
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